Accruent Meridian Enterprise Server 2020 R2 Administrator's Guide

Specify Rendering Profiles

Basic rendering options are configured in the rendering profile of the job. At least one rendering profile must be specified for every publishing job that will generate renditions.

To specify the rendering profiles:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the Data Exchange group, click Jobs. The All Jobs page appears and lists the existing publishing jobs. The jobs are grouped by the name of the computer (cluster node) to which they have been assigned.
  2. Double-click the publishing job that you want to configure. The Overview page appears.
  3. On the menu, click RENDERING. The Rendering page appears and lists the existing rendering profiles. The profiles that have already been assigned to the job are selected. The rendering profiles that you select on this page are those that are available for mapping to specific file extensions on the FILE EXTENSION MAPPING page as described in Configure the File Extension Mappings.

  4. To create a new rendering profile:
  5. To assign or unassign a rendering profile for the current job:
    • Select or deselect the checkbox next to the profile name, accordingly. Do not select a rendering profile unless the rendering module used by that profile is installed on the computer (cluster node) where the job will run.

      Note: Do not select both the Teigha DGN and the Teigha DWG rendering profiles in the same publishing job. A Faulting application name: ESPADM64.exe error can occur even if only one of them will be used.

    If you specify a rendering profile that supports file extensions that are already mapped to a different rendering profile or action as the First action on the FILE EXTENSION MAPPING page as described in Configure the File Extension Mappings, the specified rendering profile will be set as the Second action. The previous Second mapping is set as the Third action.

    If a rendering profile is not already mapped to the file extensions that it supports, those file extensions are automatically mapped for you and added to the file extension list.

    If you deselect a rendering profile that is mapped on the FILE EXTENSION MAPPING page, the existing action (First, Second, or Third) is removed for those file extensions and if no other action is configured, they will be automatically re-mapped to the Blank action described in Configure the File Extension Mappings. The file extensions are retained in the list so that you can re-map them to a different rendering profile or action.

  6. In the app bar, click SAVE.